testosterone booster


 There is several ways to boost testosterone level in your body, but before talking about testosterone boosting methods, must know about, what is testosterone?, How testosterone effect on our bodies?,How our bodies produce testosterone?, after answering on this questions, we will talk about testosterone boosting methods.

What is testosterone?

Testosterone is the main sex hormone in men, this hormone plays an essential role in the growth of male reproductive tissues such as the testicles and prostate, as well as promoting secondary sexual characteristics such as increased muscle and bone mass, deepening of the voice, and abundant body hair. In addition, it has a role in general health and speed of recovery, and prevents osteoporosis. Inadequate levels of testosterone in males can lead to disorders including muscle weakness, poor sexual ability, and osteoporosis.

Chemical composition:C19H28O2  Contains a ketone and a hydroxyl group.

How our bodies produce testostrone?

Testosterone: It is produced by the testes in males, and by the ovaries in females, but in small quantities in normal women. On average, testosterone levels in adult males are about seven to eight times greater than in adult females. Because the production of testosterone is more frequent and visible in males, the daily production is about 20 times greater in males.
Cholesterol is naturally synthesized in the testicle in several stages from cholesterol and converted into inactive metabolites by the liver. It exerts its effect by binding to and activating the androgen receptor. In humans and most other vertebrates.

What is testosterone do to our bodies?

As it is known, testosterone is responsible for masculine characteristics, so it has a key role in the sexual process, muscle formation, bone density, and the roughness of the voice, in addition to all the characteristics that distinguish men from women. Moreover, increasing this hormone in the body leads to improving those qualities that distinguish us. On the contrary, its decline in the body will lead to the deterioration of all of the above.

In addition, testosterone is used as a drug in the treatment of low testosterone levels in men, hormonal therapy for sexual transformation processes for transgender men, and for the treatment of breast cancer in women.

testosterone boosting methods:

As known testosterone is very important for male characteristics so every body need to keep testosterone levels at good state and some people need to increase testosterone levels for many reasons.
So let's talk about ways to increase testosterone and its positive and negative effects.

1-Testosterone hormone injection.

you can increase testosterone level in your body by direct injection hormones, injection or rivet to your body but this used to dangoures casses such as delayed puberty, impotence, or other hormonal imbalances,women to treat breast cancer and may be used testosterone injection  for other purposes.

This method guarantees you a quick and effective result, as soon as the testosterone hormone is injected into your body, it begins to spread and perform its effects, but this method is not safe and has several disadvantages to mention.

hormones injection side effect:

Increase testosterone levels too high make your body stop producing it.
My cause prostate cancer.

2-Natural foods that increase testosterone production. 

There are foods that increase the level of the hormone naturally by stimulating the glands to increase the secretion of the hormone such as:
  • Egg yolks.
  • Whole grains.
  • Beans.
  • Beef.
  • Shellfish.
  • Oysters.
  • milk.
  • Tuna.
this foods if you keep eating them daily your testosterone level will increase remarkably, this method is safe and you will get result but after long time because concentration of effective materials in foods is not hight.

3- Natural supplements that boost testosterone .

There are many natural supplement increase testosterone levels naturaly with out added external testosterone hormones,They contain natural extracts that stimulate the gland to increase testosterone production naturally and safely, just to name a few:

Testodren: is a natural food supplement which boost testoserone hormone in your body naturaly by stimulating glands to increase testosterone production, testodren in an FDA-approved facility following stringent GMP guidelines , this product has no side effect because it made from 100% natural component and Not addictive.

DIM 3X is another testosterone booster which increase testosterone hormones naturaly no chimicals no external hormones added to your body,

DIM 3X  helps men boost their testosterone levels and regulating their oestrogen levels too, it not only balances oestrogen levels but  prevents testosterone from being transformed into oestrogen by blocking the aromatase enzyme.
DIM 3X is made in an FDA-approved facility and adheres to GMP guidelinesand this product is safe and has no sides effect.

4-Exercise and lifting increase testosterone.

By going to gym and doing some exercise daily can improve testosterone level in your body.

Finally if you want to boost your testosterone for any reason you can choose which method to do. 
If you have a question don't be shy and leave comment.
